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frequently asked
What is Plum Plus?
What is Plum Plus?
When did we launch the revised Loyalty Program?
When did we launch the revised Loyalty Program?
If I am an existing member, how will Plum Plus affect my current Tier?
If I am an existing member, how will Plum Plus affect my current Tier?
What are Plum Charms (Plu Coins)? How do I earn Plum Charms? How long are Charms valid for?
What are Plum Charms (Plu Coins)? How do I earn Plum Charms? How long are Charms valid for?
How do I become a part of Plum Plus?
How do I become a part of Plum Plus?
What are the benefits of each tier?
What are the benefits of each tier?
For how long is the tier status valid?
For how long is the tier status valid?
How do I move to next tier?
How do I move to next tier?
I have spent over Rs. 2501 but i’m still not able to avail Plum Plus benefits? Why?
I have spent over Rs. 2501 but i’m still not able to avail Plum Plus benefits? Why?