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What's left in your plum bottle once
you've used up all the goodness inside?

More goodness!

Here's how.

First up, you perhaps already know that only recyclable packaging is used to package plum goodness.

Not wanting to stop there, we're now making it easier (and rewarding) for you to actually recycle your plum empties. Send your empties to us, and we'll connect it to a verified recycler (we give it away free).
And for every empty you send us, we'll reward you with Rs. 50 in shopping credits on!

Happier plumsters, happier planet.

Join the #Empties4Good campaign today

Recycling is easier than you think!

Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 3

Tab 4

Send us your empties in one of the following ways

Frequently asked questions

What precautions should I take before sending back the empties?

Make sure the bottle is fully empty, washed and dried. Pack it securely so it doesn't break in transit.

What can I send and not send?

a. Send only Plum empties please (we are a beauty company, not recyclers ourselves)!
b. Send only plastic bottles, caps or jars. Glass is safe enough to be discarded in trash.
c. Send only empties - not half-empties!

How does the pickup work?

a. In case you wish to do it yourself, make sure you're ready with your empties, packed in a good quality box with the shipping address mentioned above. You can reuse your Plum shippers!
b. If you want us to arrange a pickup, fill out our empties form here.

When & how will I receive my gift voucher?

You will receive shopping credits worth Rs. 50 in your inbox within 10-15 days from the day of pickup