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Moisturizer for all Skin Type

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frequently asked questions

Is moisturizer necessary for all skin types?

Yes, moisturizer is necessary for all skin types. While some may have naturally oily skin or live in humid climates, they still require hydration to maintain healthy skin. Moisturizers help to replenish moisture levels, support the skin's barrier function, and prevent moisture loss, regardless of skin type.

How does a face moisturizer for all skin types work?

A moisturiser for all skin types typically works by providing hydration to the skin without clogging pores or causing irritation. These moisturizers often contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and lightweight oils that penetrate the skin's layers to deliver moisture where it's needed most. They also balance oil production, soothe irritation, and protect the skin from environmental stressors.

Can a moisturizer for all skin types be used under makeup?

Yes, absolutely! A moisturizer can be used under makeup. In fact, it's recommended to apply moisturizer before makeup application as it helps create a smooth base for makeup to adhere to. Look for lightweight, non-greasy formulas that absorb quickly into the skin to avoid any interference with makeup application.

How often should I apply a moisturizer for all skin types?

The frequency of moisturizer application can vary depending on individual skin needs and the specific product being used. However, as a general rule, it's recommended to apply moisturizer twice a day – once in the morning before applying sunscreen and makeup, and once at night before bed. If your skin feels particularly dry or dehydrated, you can also apply moisturizer as needed throughout the day to maintain hydration levels.


Finding the best moisturizer for all skin types can be a daunting task, especially with the Indian weather. The moisturizer you choose should be lightweight that nourishes your skin thoroughly. But fret not, because here is a collection of the best moisturizers for all skin types that will ensure that you get hydrated, healthy-looking skin. 

Core features of moisturizer for all skin types

Our moisturizer all skin types are thoughtfully formulated to deeply nourish your skin while addressing common skin concerns. They are infused with many beneficial ingredients that are gentle and effective on the skin. Here are the core features of Plum moisturizers for all skin types that you must know before you add them to your daily skincare routine:

  1. Hydration: Our moisturizers are quick-absorbing and lightweight and provide long-lasting hydration without feeling heavy or greasy on the skin. They are designed to replenish moisture levels, leaving your skin feeling soft and supple.

  2. Balanced Formulation: The formulations of our moisturizers are carefully balanced to suit all skin types, whether you have oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin. They provide just the right amount of moisture without overloading the skin. They are gentle on the skin and do not cause any skin issues, whatever your skin type.

  3. Versatility: Plum moisturizers are versatile enough to be used day and night, making them a convenient addition to your skincare routine. Whether you need hydration under makeup or as part of your nighttime regimen, our moisturizers have got you covered.

Key ingredients in moisturizers for all skin types

The key to effective skincare lies in the ingredients, and our face cream for all skin types are packed with beneficial components that nourish and protect the skin. Here are some of the key ingredients you'll find in our all skin type moisturizer:

  1. Hyaluronic Acid: Known for its ability to retain moisture, hyaluronic acid helps keep the skin hydrated and plump without feeling heavy. A moisturizer with hyaluronic acid helps nourish the skin and reduce wrinkles and premature aging in your skin. 

  2. Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect the skin from environmental damage while providing essential nourishment. It also helps improve the skin's texture and overall appearance.

  3. Niacinamide: Also known as vitamin B3, niacinamide helps improve skin texture, minimize the appearance of pores, and regulate oil production. It also boasts anti-inflammatory properties, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. Plum offers a great collection of niacinamide products to enhance your skincare routine.

  4. Retinol: known for its age-defying effects, retinol, a form of vitamin A is renowned for its ability to stimulate collagen production, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote cell turnover. Our moisturizers infused with retinol help to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin, revealing a smoother, more youthful complexion over time.

  5. Green Tea: Green tea is infused with antioxidants that protect your skin from environmental stressors and free radical damage. Green tea is rich in catechins, which help to soothe inflammation, brighten the complexion, and calm oily acne-prone skin while improving overall skin health. Incorporating green tea into your skincare routine can help you achieve a clearer, more radiant complexion.

Benefits of Plum’s moisturizer for all skin type 

Here is what adding a moisturizer to your skincare routine does to your skin: 

  1. Moisturizers help replenish the skin's moisture barrier, preventing moisture loss throughout the day. It helps to keep the skin hydrated and prevents dry skin.

  2. It forms a protective barrier on the skin, shielding it from environmental aggressors such as pollution and UV rays. This helps prevent premature aging and damage caused by free radicals.

  3. It also helps balance the skin's oil production, preventing excess sebum production in oily areas and providing hydration to dry areas.

Explore best moisturizers for all skin types at Plum

Now that you know the benefits of using a moisturizer, it's time to discover our best moisturizers for all skin types:

  1. Plum 2% Niacinamide & Rice Water Gel Cream: Formulated with niacinamide and rice water, this gel cream helps brighten skin, improves skin texture, and fades blemishes. It provides lightweight hydration without feeling heavy on the skin, making it suitable for all skin types.

  2. Plum Green Tea Night Gel: Enriched with antioxidant-rich green tea extracts, this green tea moisturizer is a night gel that replenishes moisture overnight, leaving the skin feeling refreshed and revitalized in the morning. Its lightweight formula absorbs quickly into the skin, making it ideal for nightly use.

  3. Plum Retinol Night Cream: Harnessing the power of retinol, this night cream helps promote skin renewal, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improve overall skin texture. It's formulated with gentle yet effective ingredients, making it suitable for all skin types.

  4. Plum Resveratrol & Vitamin C Moisturizer: Packed with resveratrol, a potent antioxidant found in grapes, this moisturizer hydrates and nourishes the skin, while protecting the skin from environmental damage,  giving a youthful glow to your skin. It's lightweight and non-greasy, making it perfect for daily use.

  5. Plum Bright Years Overnight Cream: This overnight cream is infused with olive, argan, shea butter, hyaluronic acid, plant betaine and vitamin E extracts that rejuvenate the skin while you sleep. It helps fight aging, improves skin tone, and restores radiance, leaving you with just brighter years ahead! :)

  6. Plum Saffron & Kumkumadi Oil Moisturizer: Infused with the goodness of saffron and kumkumadi oil, this moisturizer brightens the skin, evens out the complexion, and provides intense hydration. It's perfect for those looking to achieve a radiant, glowing complexion.

With Plum Goodness' range of top moisturizers for all skin types, you can discover the perfect solution for your skincare needs, no matter your skin type or concern. Incorporate a moisturizer into your daily routine and experience the difference it can make for your skin.

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