16 travel beauty tips to look your best this season

16 travel beauty tips to look your best this season

"Who lives sees, who travels sees more." 

Holidays: time to pack bags, travel, and let yourself loose. But with all our additional responsibilities, holidaying for women is a little more complicated than this. In this post, we’ve pooled together 16 of our best travel ideas – guaranteed to keep you looking your best through those miles!

Carry these 3 things from home: 

You might be planning to use the hotel’s toiletries while on holiday, but we'd advise you to carry these 3 skin-hair care products from your home.

  • A scrub-based face wash, as your skin does need deep cleansing after a day out in the sun. Hotel supplies, well, are just not good enough.
  • Whether you are going to the hills or to a beach, sun protection is most important. Instead of one, carry two packs of your favourite SPF. This is one product you don’t want to miss, and availability of your favourite SPF might be a problem.
  • A small pack of basic hair oil - yes nothing beats it after 2 full days out in the sun. Your hair will thank you for it.

Probably while on holiday, you might not be in the mood for complete CTMP, but no matter what: don’t forget cleansing before going to bed, and protection, i.e sunscreen application in morning.

It's summers and moisturizer might not be your best friend, BUT still keep it handy especially if you are travelling by air. It can also double up as a night cream and hand cream.

While you can carry your favourite fragrance vial for a night out, for the day it’s better to carry a travel friendly body mist bottle.

Go for long-wear nail paint during holiday, not the quick-dry one as their staying power is low. Do apply top coat or any transparent nail paint on top of your nail paint, for longer stay.

Lip care: it’s better to carry glosses and lip crayons, as staying power of crayons are generally high, and they give good coverage also. Carry 2-3 glosses, as you can always mix n match.

Old trick: Lip colors can also be used on cheeks and on eyes also.

For eyes also, go for kajal or liner pencil instead of liquid. And don't forget a sharpener if your pencil needs one!

Carry a pack of baby’s wet wipes, even if you're not traveling with a baby. They are most suitable for travelling & they're gentle!

Keep hand sanitizer in the outer pocket of your bag. You don't want to contaminate everything in your bag while hunting for the sanitizer...

The right way to carry scarf/stole: inside a plastic zip pouch in your bag.

Keep a plucker handy - it's tiny, doesn't weigh much and cannot be substituted.

Don't forget to carry loose powder or compact: helps prevent and cover tan and also give a matt finish in the summer weather.

Documents and cosmetics don't like each other. Make sure they are in separate bags, not just separate compartments.

If your hotel has a spa, go for it. Nine times out of ten, it's worth the money.

Lastly, travel can be stressful, but don't forget to wear your best accessory for all those photos. SMILE BIG!

Got other stuff to share or interesting travel anecdotes? We'd love to hear from you! Until then, Happy Holidays!

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